66-70 Church Road Consultation

Public Consultation

Our clients are currently in the process of creating a scheme to develop the site at 66-70 Church Road, Redfield. As you will see, we have prepared a comprehensive scheme to revitalise this site which has been left derelict for a number of years.

This proposal has been developed with a clear vision to use the site in a unique and innovative way by creating an aesthetic set of dwellings and ground floor commercial units that will bring purpose and life back to this under-utilised space and inactive frontage.

We are keen to understand the views of local residents, community groups and stakeholders. All feedback received at this stage will be considered by members of the project team before we submit a planning application to Bristol City Council later this year.

The Team


Our clients are a group of Bristol based developers who purchase and develop sites to unlock their full potential.

They particularly look to revitalise sites to benefit the local area.

Studi Yaqub

Studio Yaqub is an Architectural design and consulting practice based in Stapleton, Bristol. They thrive on creating aspirational places in the built environment, taking on projects from small residential to large commercial developments.

They endeavour to find creative and innovative solutions to the most challenging sites.

Rackham Planning Ltd

Rackham Planning is an Independent Planning Consultancy based in the South West with experience working across the country.

They provide a professional service based on over 50 years experience in the industry.

Next Steps

  • Phase 1 consultation with local planning authority

    October 2020

  • Review feedback and develop preliminary scheme

    January 2021

  • Client feedback

    February 2021

  • Worked up proposal produced

    February 2021

  • Phase 2 stakeholders consultation

    March 2021

  • Phase 3 public consultation

    March/April 2021

  • Review feedback/submit planning application

    Spring 2021

  • Application determination (dependant on a range of variables)

    Summer 2021


Get in Touch

We are keen to hear from local residents and stakeholders as we finalise out proposals before they are submitted to Bristol City Council.

We welcome your response and if you have any questions or require additional information at this stage, please feel free to get in touch with the project team via the form opposite or the following contact methods: